Eric Wenger

Eric Wenger

7 Deadliest Chicken Predators

7 deadliest chicken predators the red fox
The most devastating feeling can be coming out to your chicken coop in the morning and finding that a chicken predator broke into your coop overnight and stole one of your flock. We don’t want that to ever happen to you and your chickens! The saying goes that the best offense is a good defense and when it comes to defending your chickens from predators that’s absolutely right!

Automatic Chicken Door Opener

chicken coop door
The most common reason for installing an automatic chicken door opener is for convenience. For many people, going outside in the snow and rain every morning and evening might become a nuisance (especially as we get older).

7 Things You Need to Know About Chicken Coop Doors

chicken coop doors for you
It’s hard to keep your chickens safe from predatory animals. For whatever reason, it always seems like something is trying to eat your chickens. Foxes, raccoons, and coyotes seem to be experts at getting inside chicken coops (no matter how secure) and turning your chickens into tasty snacks. One way to prevent this is with an automatic chicken coop door.

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Learn how to Predator Proof your Coop and Keep your flock safe with an automatic chicken door