chicken coop door

Automatic Chicken Door Opener

New Automatic Chicken Door Opener

Why Should You Consider Purchasing An Automatic Chicken Coop Door?

The most common reason for installing an automatic chicken door opener is for convenience. For many people, going outside in the snow and rain every morning and evening might become a nuisance (especially as we get older). Also, people who have to get up at a set hour for work may be too preoccupied in the morning to remember to open the coop door. So the pressure of the early morning is relieved by a lovely automated door.

If you have a door already for your chickens, then you may want to consider a DIY kit. Easy to install, this DIY will save you time and money, and can make your own door automatic!

automatic chiken doors

Another reason people may want to install an automatic coop door is vacations. Some folks wait until they are going on vacation before considering an automated coop door.

Finding a chicken sitter that is ready to wake up early, go to bed late, and feed your birds might be challenging. Although you’ll still need to find someone to feed and water them, having an automatic door opener can make things easier, instead of two or three times a day, your neighbor will just have to come by once.

clipped smartcoop

The SmartCoop Automatic Chicken Door

The smart coop chicken door combines quality with convenience to give you the best option to care for your chickens. Control your coop with timer settings and never worry about the safety of your flock again. Our heavy-duty door is built to withstand the toughest of the predators, so all your chickens will now be protected.

How an Automatic Chicken Door Opener Makes Your Life Easier?

One of the main advantages of installing an automatic door opener on your chicken coop is that it makes it easier to care for your chickens. For example, it’s easy to forget to verify that your chickens are locked up for the night when you have a busy work life. However, an automatic chicken door opener can ensure that your chicken can exit the coop during the day and be shut up when night comes, significantly reducing when the seasons change.

Have you ever forgotten to lock the chicken coop door?

barred rock chicken

Unfortunately, the majority of folks have! An open chicken coop is an invitation for food if a predator happens to be passing by. Unfortunately, when you’re in a hurry or running late, it’s easy to overlook the coop’s opening and closing. An automatic door will not forget to close, ensuring the safety of your flock.

The Benefits of Using an Automatic Chicken Door Opener:

auto chicken door 2
  • Its installation is simple, and there is no need for maintenance
  • It’s controlled by a light sensor, a timer, or Wi-Fi
  • Compatible with all types of wooden chicken coops
  • Enhances the security and insulation of the coop
  • Reliable in all kinds of weather
  • Safety sensors built-in
  • It can be used with a chicken run
  • Ideal for ensuring the safety of your chickens whether you’re traveling on vacation, coming home late from work, or want a little more time in bed in the morning.
  • Almost any style of chicken house door can be opened and closed using these options.
  • All units have self-locking mechanisms and are impenetrable to predators.
  • High-quality rust-resistant materials.
  • Use for both wooden and metal hen houses.
  • Unique safety features to keep your chickens safe when you close the door!
  • Ideal for use in isolated areas.
  • It can come with a solar panel.
  • Exclusively designed and manufactured, with a 2-year warranty as standard

Few Things to Think About Before Investing Into An Automatic Chicken Door Opener

chicken coop door

To buy the right door for your coop and flock, you only need to know a few essential facts, which include the following:

  1. Opening Mechanism: A coop door can open in several various ways. Make sure that the door you purchase begins in the same manner as your current one. Otherwise, you can find yourself trapped with something that isn’t suitable for your coop.
  2. Power Source: Select the appropriate power source for your needs. Most doors are available in electric, battery, or solar power, some even have all three, which is fantastic.
  3. Safety Sensor: Make sure your door is equipped with a safety sensor. You don’t want your chickens to be beheaded by the door that was supposed to protect them. So when the door detects resistance, most doors feature a safety sensor that prevents the door from shutting.
  4. Simplicity: Not everyone can be comprehending complex instructions or programs. Choose a simple door that is straightforward to program and utilize.
  5. Durability: While the door and frame should not be subjected to excessive damage, they must be waterproof and able to survive an attack by a determined predator.
  6. Door Size: If you have turkeys or other large birds, a chicken-sized door will not suit them, make sure the door you choose will suit your backyard flock.
  7. Control Box: Some doors can only open at dawn and dusk. Because predators are most active at dawn and dusk, you don’t want the coop to open up simultaneously for a fox. Check to see if your door offers a variety of opening/closing programs.

Will my chickens be safe if I use an Automatic Chicken Coop Door?

Yes, your chickens are entirely safe if you use an automatic chicken door opener. It’s sad to lose your flock of chickens to a fox or other predators, and an automated door can help secure a chicken coop. The self-locking automatic door openers either close or open according to dawn and night, rather than relying on frail string devices that raise doors open and down. You can also use the Wi-Fi feature app to exact preset opening and closing times. Predators are kept out for good once the doors are closed and locked.

If you want to go solar, we sell solar-powered chicken coop doors that are Wi-Fi/Bluetooth enabled. These door kits include our automatic doors and a solar kit, so you can go environmentally friendly!

The Difference between Manual and Automatic Chicken Door Openers:

Automatic Chicken Door Opener

automatic chiken doors


  • You will not need to get up early to let the hens out because the door will take care of it
  • You’ll remember to lock the chicken coop door at night.
  • It’s easier to leave your chickens if you go out for a night or go on a short vacation.
  • It’s self-timing, so you can choose when the door opens and closes each day.
  • Because they only open when the timer or the solar sensor goes off, they may be more effective at warding off predators.


  • You might make a mistake with the opening and closing times. This is primarily dues to changes in daylight savings time. However, automatic coop doors may be easily modified to accommodate various schedules.
  • The door may close before all of your chickens have entered the coop. Unfortunately, this means that any hens who don’t make it in time will spend the night outside (if you didn’t notice). However, if you check each night before you go to bed, you can easily control this.

Manual Chicken Door Opener

automatic chicken coop door sale


  • You are in complete control. You choose when the door opens and closes, and you ensure that none of your chickens are trapped outside.
  • You save money by not purchasing a costly automatic door opener.
  • If you work from home, have a flexible schedule, or have a chicken sitter who can assist you with your manual door, this could be just what you’re looking for.


  • Even if you’re laying in bed, snuggled in warm sheets, you must open the door in the morning
  • Because you must seal their door every night, your chickens may be vulnerable to predators if you are detained somewhere else or need to leave for an emergency and cannot return on time.
  • Unfortunately, a gust of wind can smash manual or people-sized doors. If one of your chickens is approaching or exiting the coop at the time, she will be trapped or, more likely, killed outright.

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Learn how to Predator Proof your Coop and Keep your flock safe with an automatic chicken door

Download our Predator Guide for Free!
Learn how to keep those pesky predators away with our complete guide to predator proofing your coop!